
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Opportunities Abound

We have choices everyday. Choices to answer our phones or not.
I chose to answer the phone last Friday. I didn't recognize the number but answered the call anyway.
The voice was familiar - a brother-in-Christ.
A need presented itself to our family.
There in front of us stood an opportunity. To open our hands and receive God's blessing or keep our hands closed and miss out.
It's funny how often opportunities come our way just to simply be to others what Jesus pleads us to be.
I do not think we are saved to say no to the life giving opportunities that God holds out to us everyday.
In fact when we are filled with the Spirit
it becomes as easy as breathing.
We opened our hands and said yes to God.

The question is:
Are our eyes open to the opportunities all around us that God gives us to those who are hungry,thirsty and in need for a place to stay?

I am thankful for the opportunity to feed and give a brother & sister a place to stay this week ahead.
This is a blessing for my family to not be so comfortable.To give up their space and see into another person's life. Opportunities abound indeed!
We get to not just love God but love others in a practical way this week.

I know for sure - God is at work constantly. I want to see all He is doing around me and choose to say yes when He calls.

Matthew 25:40 - the King will reply,"I tell you the truth,whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

I pray this child of God always answers the call.


  1. LOVE THIS MA. LOVE YOU. Thank you for teaching me to be a woman of God like this that you describe! Please continue to challenge me, it is a blessing :)

  2. hi neighbor...oh I want to answer when He have my always opened...

  3. It's good to be given over to hospitality, and to have eyes so that we are able to "seize" our opportunities.
